Selby Lake is 0.8 kilometers by 2 kilometers, or 1.6 square kilometers in size. There are more than 180 waterfront residences and several streams flow into it, the most important being the Bérard stream at the Jetté Street entrance. In turn, Selby Lake flows into the Rivière aux Brochets, which empties into the Missisquoi Bay.

Founded in 1983, the Association de la protection de l’environnement du lac Selby (APELS) is an NPO formed by a committee of citizens. Its role is to improve the environment of the lake, to solve the common problems of shoreline property owners and to promote the organization of awareness activities among the population. For more details and to become a member, visit: APELS – Association pour la Protection de l’Environnement du Lac Selby.

In conjunction with the APELS, the Town of Dunham is implementing strict regulations to ensure the protection of this natural and hydric environment:

BY-LAW 429-21 CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF SELBY LAKE – Click here to view the by-law
MANDATORY ACCESS STICKER – Click here for details
BOAT WASHING STATION – Click here for details
CONTROL OF INVASIVE SPECIES – Click here for details

As a community member, whether you live on the lake or not, you can help us protect the Selby Lake environment. Here are some useful links (clickable) on this matter:

The Town of Dunham is fortunate to be partnering with the Missisquoi Bay watershed organization (OBVBM) in the implementation of several projects to protect Selby Lake.